Monday, May 18, 2009

Olé X Sooner puppies venture out!

The Olé puppies went on there first outing today.  First adventure, the living room!  Oh lord, they acted as if they owned the joint.  The second they were put into the room they took one look around and were like "hmmmmm ok let's GO"  & off they ran.  BTW I do mean RAN.  They are not even 4 weeks old and they are running.  So the pile of puppy laundry is in the middle of the floor they are running/climbing up and down it.  They sabotage each other by knocking one another off the top of the pile, down they would roll, shake it off and get back up to the top. Then I go in their pen close the door  started mopping the pen.  Here come the puppies, holy shit how do they already know what the mop is about.  Next thing they are outside the pen chasing and barking at the mop.  Mirage gets a little carried away and starts tugging on the table cover that has the African Gray's perch on it.  So the perch starts wobbling, BTW the BIRD IS ON THE PERCH!  He is not impressed.  Have I mentioned they aren't quite 4 weeks yet.  Maybe this litter needs to go home EARLY!  (just kidding.....I think).  OK fine pen all clean, floor dry, surfaces, pee pee pads and bedding  all put down.  All new toys added and the wobble board goes in for the first time.  Which I never set anything in quietly I make lots of noise.  So I basically dropped the wobble board in and it slams on the ground not HUGE slam but a pretty decent slam.  ALL the puppies race to this loud object making noise and are all climbing on it teetering and walking off the other end.  First one up, Monte followed in QUICK order by Mirage, Exaclibur, Venetian, Luxor.  They continue on this up the wobble board down the wobble board for a few seconds until Venetian realizes they are not loose in the living room any longer and precedes to throw a total FIT about.  Mass chaos breaks out.  Venetian on one corner and Excaliber on another, Mirage in the middle of one of the pen panels.  They are Climbing it.  CLIMBING IT!  No I am not kidding.  Luxor is hanging from his tuggy that is zip tied into the pen.  He is shaking the crap out of it and Monte is running up and down the wobble board.  This all continues for about 10 minutes.  Then suddenly it is silent.  They have all piled up and crashed.  They are sound asleep!  Thank God!  
Photos and video tomorrow!  Also I am gonna blog tomorrow about my trip to Tampa! I took over 1500 photos of which I have down loaded and cropped and edited them.  Now I have to upload to website and mail them out to people!  YIKES!!!!

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