Saturday, May 30, 2009


2 week old photos up!  Their eyes are open :)!!  They are becoming puppies now up and walking around and started barking and roo roo rooing today. 

Friday, May 29, 2009

Olé & Widget puppies update!

Olé puppies are getting to that handful phase very quickly. They are starting to really do some serious tugging/shaking/growing of all the toys and each other. They have started sabotaging each other when going potty. This is a puppy favorite.  Prey on the weak.  So when one tootles off to go poop, they all WAIT!!! They discuss amongst themselves who is going to do the attack and one is "selected".  Just as the puppy is in "the position" and comes the "selected one" flying across the pen and BAM over the pooping puppy topples!  NOT NICE!  The revenge than starts to be plotted and so starts all the "paybacks".  Few minutes later you will see the puppy that got toppled while trying to poop dragging the one that did the toppling  around by the tail just shaking and growling.  You can just hear him laughing, "oh ya, you thought it was funny take THIS!!!" They LOVE the wobble boards, the run on it, pounce on it, balance on it and yes poop on it!  The puppies are all on raw and only nursing one time a day now.  Olé will be leaving middle of next week to go "get back in racing shape" with her other mommy and daddy that she races with on Sure Shot flyball team.  She is ready to say the least. She is sick of them now so other mommies Scorch, Brick, Sprint and Jedi will go in with them and teach them life lessons and play stuff. This works very well as one thing they learn very quickly is ALL dogs are not a milk bar.  The pups are also going out side more and more learning about bushes, trees, grass, wood decking, rocks, sprinklers, outside truck/car noises etc...they are typical 5 week old puppies.  They are not sure they want to be outside, but are curious so they explore and trot around then pass out from exhaustion of being in a new place. Next week they will be better and better with each exposure and next week they will learn to swim in the big pool!  They are growing so fast it amazes me every litter.
Widget puppies are just growing like weeds.  They are all walking around and almost have their eyes open.  They move out of the whelping room this weekend and into the living room pen still in the pool for another week (ish), and the Olé pups will go into the giant pen then.  New photos of them will be up today.  You will be shocked when you see how big they are!  They are very cute and VERY vocal! They just crack me up! 
OK that is it for now.   Look for photos and video coming soon!!! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


5 week old photos are up.  They had a great time outside today I took a bunch of photos so make sure to check them out and don't forget the group puppy section for some too!  The puppies are eating mostly raw meals now and only nursing twice a day.  They will be weaning totally off nursing by this weekend then they are only on real food!!  Then they are big boys and girl!!! 

Tomorrow I will take photos of Widget's puppies, they are nearly 2 weeks old and their eyes are thinking of being open! 
More tomorrow!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Olé puppies start on raw!

Puppies started on raw yesterday and they did great.  They had a total "Now that's what I'm talkin' about attitude" as they gobbled it up!  The got every single speck and did not even leave residue on the plate.  Olé was very unimpressed as she was hoping to be the clean up crew!  Oh well, these kids are firm believers in waste not want not!
They are doing great with all the noises on the CD and the shouting and banging we do when litters are here.  None have shown any fear what so ever.  They are playing great with toys of all shapes and textures.  They love to tug and sometimes that includes Olé or Scorch's tails!  They are very unimpressed with that but are very good mommy & nanny and just kinda roll there eyes for now.  That won't last long I can assure you!
I am off to Memphis in a few so off to finish packing and getting ready.  As soon as my co-pilot gets here we will hit the road.  
Blog at ya Tuesday!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Trip to Tampa

I am officially home, rested and ready to head out this weekend to Memphis for a flyball tourney. So I thought I would tell you all about my trip to Tampa.  I truly had a blast.  Annette Alfonso that owns Poison (Jedi X Dart 2007) was flying in from Colorado to Tampa on Friday and connected through Dallas.  That "just happened" to be the flight I was on.  So Annette and I got to fly together which made my flight a lot less boring.  Once in Tampa we went to the KETCH agility training center.  I got to "re-meet" Wendy and Mike Pape.  Their facility is AWESOME, not to mention the gorgeous land....WOW!  I met tons of people, was flooded with names (dogs and people) to remember, and finally I got to have a name as originally I was just refered to as "Poison's Breeder". 
Flash back nearly 10 years ago, Wendy Pape was competing in Purina Incredible Dog Challenge with her red BC Riot, and Flyer was debuting/competeing in the flyball portion of the show. What an amazing dog Riot was to watch.  I had never seen anything like it.   We briefly spoke that day and would see each other for years to come at these events and exchange a few words but one thing is for sure I would always remember Riot.  So back to present day, here I am at her training center with Flyer (nearly 11) and Riot (now 13).  Both incredible dogs in the own right without question!  The reality that they were a decade older seems unimaginable to me. Best words I can use is just bittersweet. 
I was on "phone watch" this weekend as well as Touch and Go flyball team was racing. Sometime that after noon I get a text that I have picture mail from Colleen on TNG who has Psycho (Jedi/Sooner 2008). The text says I have new picture mail.  I click on the link (mind you I am surrounded by people) and up comes this image of the digital time clock with the numbers 14.963.  I just start crying, everyone starts to get concerned or weirded out, not sure which until I manage to get out that I think the world record not to mention the 14 second barrier was just just broken.  I immediately call Colleen back and Katy Kaylor (she has Warrant from Vixen X Maverick 2005) answers the phone.  First thing I ask "was that clean".  "Yes", she says "it was clean.  The line up was Chef, Warrant, Urgent, Raptor".  OK now I am REALLY crying for many reasons.  People are handing me tissues, wet paper towels, pats on the back etc...  We talk for a few minutes longer I get off the phone crying happy, proud tears.  Proud of my puppy, proud of the team but most of all proud of my friend that had worked so hard for this moment for years.  When it came down to it, she pulled her dog, she wasn't even running in the line up but instead put the four fastest dogs that day on the mats and coached her team into history.   There are not many people that would have done that especially since two other dogs in that line up are hers.   Simply Amazing!  
I got to watch lots of dogs run and had a very nice time. The whole weekend was spent visiting with lots of people including with Laurie Dana and Triumph (Brick/Sooner), Annette and Poison as well as her Sooner/Saga daughter Legend, Maria and Preesa (Shiver/Blur), Jordan and her family (getting an Olé/Sooner puppy), Gayle with Neece (Saga/Sooner) as well as lots of other new people.  I got to meet dogs related to mine both past and present.  I took over 1500 photos!!  
The best part is my mom came down to stay with me for the weekend to hang out.  We had a lot of nice talks, great dinner and get this people....I was in BED ASLEEP BEFORE 11pm!!!  
My mom and I  saturday night got lost several times, thank god for my blackberry navigational system.....however it only works if the battery is actually CHARGED!  Damn it!  So one leg of the journey we had to wing it but made it to the hotel just before the rain!!  I had great time with her :) 
So trial is over Sunday, everything is cleaned up and we are sitting around.  I get Flyer out and she proceeds to PLAY with Legend.  They run around the huge arena for about 20 minutes.  The thing is Flyer doesn't play these (as I call them) reindeer games. Weird, but whatever she is having fun.  Everyone keeps saying "how old is she?", they still don't believe me.  Next on our agenda was Wendy, Mike, Annette and myself were going to go herding.  The Pape's have tons of land and very nice multiple size herding pens.  Before our venture out there I gotta pee, so off to the bathroom I go.  I walk in the bathroom and looking at me is a poster from Purina 2001.  Everyone has seen certain parts of this poster.  On "part" is Riot, Wendy's red BC.  One "part" is Katy Kaylor's dog Streek.  Well this poster were all those "parts" but instead of the cropped image we new it was the whole photos.  So the cropped photo I knew of Streek coming over the jump with the ball in his mouth, this photo showed both flyball lanes.  Streek was in the close lane, the dog in the far lane was Flyer.  Very cool!  
Herding has never been my gig but taking Flyer out with Mike, storms only minutes away was really fun.  Lots of photos are up on Flyer's page so go check them out.  Then Poison went in and she did VERY well, guess she got that from her daddy!  Then Legend went in and she showed lots of potential.  Unfortunately, the down pour started, Wendy and I retreated to watching from the covered golf cart (so no photos-sorry Annette).  Back to the arena, we dry off and feed the dogs, then head out to a mexican restaurant.  I ordered a margarita, they ask if I want the big one or the little one?  Wendy says get the big isn't that big.  OK Wendy you really ARE blind aren't you.   Jeez, my borderstaffies could SWIM in that glass!  Great dinner, great company, great close to a great weekend.
So in closing, I missed my home and my dogs but I had a blast time in Tampa!!
Off to Memphis this weekend!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Olé X Sooner puppies venture out!

The Olé puppies went on there first outing today.  First adventure, the living room!  Oh lord, they acted as if they owned the joint.  The second they were put into the room they took one look around and were like "hmmmmm ok let's GO"  & off they ran.  BTW I do mean RAN.  They are not even 4 weeks old and they are running.  So the pile of puppy laundry is in the middle of the floor they are running/climbing up and down it.  They sabotage each other by knocking one another off the top of the pile, down they would roll, shake it off and get back up to the top. Then I go in their pen close the door  started mopping the pen.  Here come the puppies, holy shit how do they already know what the mop is about.  Next thing they are outside the pen chasing and barking at the mop.  Mirage gets a little carried away and starts tugging on the table cover that has the African Gray's perch on it.  So the perch starts wobbling, BTW the BIRD IS ON THE PERCH!  He is not impressed.  Have I mentioned they aren't quite 4 weeks yet.  Maybe this litter needs to go home EARLY!  (just kidding.....I think).  OK fine pen all clean, floor dry, surfaces, pee pee pads and bedding  all put down.  All new toys added and the wobble board goes in for the first time.  Which I never set anything in quietly I make lots of noise.  So I basically dropped the wobble board in and it slams on the ground not HUGE slam but a pretty decent slam.  ALL the puppies race to this loud object making noise and are all climbing on it teetering and walking off the other end.  First one up, Monte followed in QUICK order by Mirage, Exaclibur, Venetian, Luxor.  They continue on this up the wobble board down the wobble board for a few seconds until Venetian realizes they are not loose in the living room any longer and precedes to throw a total FIT about.  Mass chaos breaks out.  Venetian on one corner and Excaliber on another, Mirage in the middle of one of the pen panels.  They are Climbing it.  CLIMBING IT!  No I am not kidding.  Luxor is hanging from his tuggy that is zip tied into the pen.  He is shaking the crap out of it and Monte is running up and down the wobble board.  This all continues for about 10 minutes.  Then suddenly it is silent.  They have all piled up and crashed.  They are sound asleep!  Thank God!  
Photos and video tomorrow!  Also I am gonna blog tomorrow about my trip to Tampa! I took over 1500 photos of which I have down loaded and cropped and edited them.  Now I have to upload to website and mail them out to people!  YIKES!!!!

Widget puppies quick update!

Widget is an AWESOME mommy!  Her babies are beyond spotless, and they are fat and happy! Guess they are so fat as we fed Widget for 5 or 6 puppies not THREE!  So needless to say the excess is not exactly going to waste.....:)   New photos on Thursday!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Going out of Town

All the official photo uploaders will be out of town this weekend and I will not have a computer so no blogging until Monday!  Chat soon and I will have LOTS of photos!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Widget's Puppies are here!

Quick update then a much needed nap.  Long night as Widget's temp was 96.7 and her progesterone came back 1.0 ng which means puppies are within 12-24 hours away.  She was scheduled at 9 am for a planned C-section since she had trouble with her first litter and these pups were suspected to be large.  So I stayed up all night with her in the whelping box  next to the couch.  745 am she starts panting heavy by 8 am she is clearly pushing.  I was afraid to get in the car and drive the 40 minutes to the c-section right now as I KNOW a puppy is coming very soon, it starts pouring rain with huge thunder going on.  I choose to stay home for the first puppy then leave.  Finally 920 am the first one shows half it's head but Widget can't push it out. I manage to get the puppy out, it is born with no sac and not breathing.  After about 13 minutes I get the puppy screaming and all is well.   Quick look and it is a GIRL!  So we have a blue merle girl.  I get packed up and hit the road abort mission to go to the farther clinic and choose the closer one.  Widget is under anesthesia by 955 am and cutting by 1005.  First puppy out 1008 is a Red MALE with a good size head and after some rubbing/warming/drying etc he is screaming and goes to join his big sister in the incubator as we wait to be handed the next puppy.  Second puppy was breech, it comes out at 1013 we get it all warm and screaming and it is a Black and white GIRL!!  Off she goes to the incubator.  I keep my eye on them, Widget is sewn up.  No extras in there.  Widget is moved to recovery, extubated and warming up.  All the puppies are taken to nurse and do great.  They are finally happy with full bellies as they were starting to get upset and want to speak to the manager about the hospitality in this milk bar.  Off they go back to the incubator.  Widget gets a few minutes to wake up.  Everyone is paid, packed and loaded.  I am home in my driveway at 1143 am.  Widget is set up with her babies snug as a bug in a rug, they are all nursing and very strong.  I am now taking a nap!  
New born puppy photos will be up today.  Puppy theme is Nature Elements.  They are Earth (Black girl), Wind (Blue Merle girl) and Fire (Red boy). 
Olé three week puppy photos will be up today.   And I will upload the videos.
Napping now! :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Great Pool Escape

Yup you guessed it the day has come.  They are now piling out of the pool.  Mirage was first so the girl could show the boys that she was indeed the smarter sex!  The boys trickled out shortly there after in the following order:  Excalibur, Venetian, Luxor and then big head fred Monte!  It takes a little more effort to get that big head out!  SO the pool is gone.  The pool has now been bleached and dried out in the ghastly TX heat, and is ready to go for Widget.  Who BTW has dropped her temp to 97.6 today.  So puppies are headed this way.  No pun intended!  
The Olé puppies are RUNNING in their new area.  They are hilarious and soooooo advanced it is ridiculous.  They are three weeks old running, tugging on each other, growling, barking.  They bark when you come to their area and ask them "where are the puppies???"  They all start barking. It is very funny.  I will try  to get it on video for you all.  I put toys in there today as well.  They are starting to check them out!  Today is photo day too so I will let you know when they are up!  
That is it for now, gonna go check on Widget.  

Monday, May 11, 2009

Widget X-ray

Hey there,  the x-ray was done today and there are three GIANT LONG puppies in there.  The c-section is pending for the end of the week just in case she has any trouble.  She is due in three days!!  

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Long day and I am beyond tired. So late yesterday evening after I got done pottying all the dogs I put Dakota my very geriatric Siberian Husky (don't ask) outside as she loves to lay on the rocks that are still warm from baking in the heat all day.  She does this for about an hour and a half and will let you know when she is done.  Don't try to bring her in before her evening bake is done, she is very stubborn about it. So I put her out and went about my chores, making dinner and watching the end of a movie.  This is how it ALWAYS goes!  EXCEPT LAST NIGHT. Little did I know that the pool guy had inadvertently left the fence open.  Well Dakota saw it! 
In her younger years Dakota was a very typical Siberian heading due north bolting out the door given any chance. Crazy me thought she would never do this anymore and apparently I was VERY wrong.  So my alarm goes off that time is up and Dakota hasn't asked to come in so I go out to check on her.  She is gone, really gone, GONE!!  I feel my heart sink as I look over and see the fence open. Realize while she is geriatric, she also has and hour and a half on me at this point and she is still VERY sneaky.  I run in and check everywhere making sure I am not over-reacting, and I am not.  I grab the keys and off I go.  I drive in and out of every nook and cranny of this neighborhood and finally about 5 hours later, I ask these people on the side of the street and they had seen her about an hour earlier and pointed which way she was going.  Off I go to look some more.  About 345 am I give up.  I am so tired from looking in the dark now for hours my eyes and head are killing me.  I go home with my mind reeling with what if's.  I finally fall asleep and get up at 7 am to resume where I left off.  Within minutes I stop to talk to this elderly lady is pottying some flowers and she says she just saw Dakota about 5 minutes ago and pointed me in the direction which was actually headed back to my house.  Off I go with a glimmer of hope now.  Up one street....nothing, down the next nothing.  Finally the last street and I round the corner and there she is walking so slow clearly in pain and I am pretty sure I heard her say "Oh thank god WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING LEAVING??" I pick her up put her in the car and home we go.  I cleaned her up enough to live with her for a couple days until she can go in for a grooming.  I put a sheet on the couch in the dog room and laid her on it and pretty much she has barely moved (only up to potty and eat).   She is very sore, very tired and very sad as I think that she has realized her running days are gone.  
I decided to take a little nap before flyball practice. Got up took care of the dogs, loaded up and hit the road.  Practice lasted until about 6 pm.  Got home took care of dogs, cats, birds, laundry and made dinner.  Watched TIVO Extreme Makeover.  Took care of baby puppies.  They are walking so incredibly well for their age.   Tomorrow the pool goes away and they have the whole pen to start motoring around in.  Toys will start going in also.  I will take some video of them walking around their new digs as well.   So big day tomorrow but for today I am dead tired, both mentally and physically.  I am gonna head to bed so hug your dogs, appreciate them even if they are sneaky and run off and go check your gates!  Good Night.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey all there are new photos up in the Olé X Sooner folder.  I took video of each puppy today
and am going to make another attempt to post it here in the blog.  I am trying to get better at the technical part of this blogging thing.  But to be honest it is not my gig.  I am trying however so at least give me a little nod for that.
So the puppies mostly have full eyes open except for Monte (about half way) and Luxor is a 
one eyed pirate (black side open/white side only a slit).   He is very cute!  They are all walking like crazy and they were climbing on the pile of bedding while we were cleaning their pool area. They have discovered ALREADY that the pool has an edge.  It will not be long before they are toppling out.  Venetian is just hilarious with his "oh lord he's on his back again" maneuvers. They are very brave puppies already to be honest. They are doing great with all the new sounds since they have ears and don't startle at anything.   Today was also nail trim day again.  3 nail trims in 2 week....that is insane.  Size wise from big to little Mirage, Monte, Luxor, Excalibur and light weight is Venetian.  Yes you read correctly the girl is the biggest.   
OK go to the website check out the photos and then go to the youtube site and check out the videos.  My youtube account name is ontargetbcs2. Enjoy~


Thursday, May 7, 2009


First one is

If the link doesn't work cut and paste into your browser.
Hope you like them!  It took HOURS to get them uploaded!  
Photos will be tomorrow.  You got video today, so don't be greedy.  :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The EYES have it!

Eyes are opening today.  First early this am was Excalibur, Venetian and Mirage.  Will be open any second is Luxor followed by Monte.
Tonight is photo night. I will let you know when they are done and posted. 
Also today I took two short videos!  I am putting them up on youtube now.  I am gonna have to see if Steph can post them here as I have now tried for 3 hours and can' t! 

Kudos and Call outs with regards to photos!

I decided since I called out Robbie and Sonya in the "suck at taking photos group" I should just let it all out!
There are some out there that really should get a kudos as they are GREAT about sending photos, and I feel they should be recognized! They are HIGHLY appreciated and deserve a big shout out and thanks to them! HOLLER!!
The thing is this: We put ALOT into these puppies the first 8 weeks here not to mention everything before the breeding and the birth takes place. So we really look forward to seeing the photos and videos. The puppies mean a lot to us!  
So I decided to do a little break down of the good, mediums and not so good photo takers. I am considering both Mary and my litters here! Actually ALL of Mary's puppy owners prior to her moving to TX suck bad so only the litters raised here are taken into consideration.
Perhaps the kudos will keep the photos coming and the knock up side the head will stimulate others to do better! The great ones are: Katy, Stephanie, Annette, Laurie, Lori, Angie, Colleen, Ann, Crystal , Martha, Katherine, TIffany. The honorable mentions (not great but don't get warning emails): Diane, Loretta, Nadine, Annie, Eileen, Beth, Mike and Trish, Frank, Maria, Janet and Kerry. The bad ones: Robbie and Sonya take the LEAD, Jen, Sharilin and Lee, Mary, Kim, Elizabeth, Kristie (sad those three are all my teammates) Jess and her mother Pam, Amanda, Darlene and Steve, Bev and Dan, Deb, Pat , Sandy , Lisa, Deanna, Paul, Kristi, Kathy, Judy, Chuck, Donna and Steve and Linda.
So there you have it. Wow that bad list was surprisingly long huh? Do not let yourself fall in to the "bad ones" category. Then I have to send people to shows and tournaments to stalk you and get photos for me!! Ask Jen Pinder, random people come up to her and Guilty and are like "Hi I don't know you but, Lisa sent me too...."  Jen now knows the routine and just gets her dog! :)
We just want to know how they are and that they are happy and loved and special, and photos help tell a story of their life! We as their first mommies need that!
Now Facebook is great BUT I can't go from FB page to FB page searching for photos and copying them from all of you to post. So as you are posting to FB take a minute and think "Hmmmm would Lisa and Mary like to see these too" The answer is YES so drop them in am email and hit send! You will make our day! :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

And they ALL walk!!!!

Today they all walk!  They can't see a damn thing but they can walk!!!  YEAH!  You should try it. Go to a brand new place (start from a lying down position), plug your ears, close your eyes and get up and walk around.  It is not easy, so you all should be very impressed with them.  Oh ya and they are only a big whopping 13 days old!  It always amazing me what they accomplish in such a short span of time!  So today the surface in their pool has changed.  The surface has changed for a variety of reasons.  First to give them more traction as they are increasing their mobility. Secondly, to give them a different "feel" they will learn all sorts of new surfaces at their stay here. Lastly, they are now leaving their sleeping areas to go potty.  So it is easier for cleanup.  
Olé is now leaving the pool for longer period of time but she stays close and falls asleep with her head on the edge of the pool so she can watch them but not be in there all the time as they pretty much want to nurse 24 hours a day.  Excalibur and Venetian pace themselves and are not big gorgers.  Luxor and Monte big huge pigs.  They would eat themselves to death if possible. Mirage is middle of the road and a little undecided as the whether she wants to be a pacer or a gorger.   So the "jury is out".  Or as Kim would say "the Yahtzee is out".  In the first borderstaffy litter I raised the theme was legal terms.  One puppy was "Jury" and that turned into my teammate Kim's dog Yahtzee.  So now whenever we use the saying the jury is out, we say the Yahtzee is out.  
So Robbie and Sonya came to visit the puppies today.  Olé plays flyball with them when not being a mommy.  They have several OT puppies.  They have Sniper (borderstaffy Vixen X Maverick), Impulse (Jedi X Dart), Elle (Vixen X Sooner) and they will be keeping a male co-owned with me from this Olé litter.  Sounds like I bred them a whole team....oh wait I think I did!  They BTW are the WORST at taking photos it is ridiculous.  So I have to force/trick/bribe them  to bring over one of their OT dogs so I can take my own photos.  Take heed and send photos so you will not be the subject of future blogs!!  :) So tonight was Elle's photo shoot. I got lots of great photos of her.  It appears like the merles got all the hair in this litter.  The two reds and one black and white are very slight in coat comparatively.  Strange. Although if I keep a puppy it is not going to have coat. They never EVER do.  In the Jedi X Dart litters there are three out of eleven that have no hair, and two of them are MINE.  I don't get it.  Although Lust's coat is getting much thicker thanks to Dinovite.  Envy just started on it so we shall see!!  
I am sitting here typing the blog while multitasking with my latest addiction, watching Jon & Kate Plus 8 followed by 18 and counting.  So on Jon & Kate plus 8, they recently got two German Shepherd puppies.....ok WHY?   Cause sextuplets and a set of twins was not hard enough you thought two puppies at the same time sounded like a good idea?  Dammit and we know insanity is hereditary!  Anyways, one of the GSD pups ate a toy, I know HUGE shocker and had to have surgery for an obstruction/toy removal.   So Jon picks up said puppy from the vet following surgery, takes her home and promptly out in the yard with the other pup she goes to run a muck. UGH!  
Oh very cute--Olé is laying in the pool on her side all stretched out and Excalibur is laying across her neck like a matching B&W scarf, and Mirage and Venetian have climbed up her and are laying across her side.  So when you look really quick at her she looks all lumpy!  Wish I could take a photo cause it is adorable but the instant I move so will Olé.  And where are Monte and Luxor you ask........well eating ofcourse!  I tried to tell you PIGS!  
Tomorrow is their visit from the Canine Chiropractor.  Very important to make sure everything is aligned correctly for a healthy mind and body!  
Off to bed, Good night blog followers.  More tomorrow.  Adios!

We have a walker!!

First to walk is Luxor!  An actual taking steps waddling across the pool without falling over in his own poop walker! He is very proud of himself.  What a big boy he is!  So today was a bathless day, can you believe it?  I can't.  
Oh oh oh oh forgot eye slits are starting.  We should have eyes open very soon. 
Speaking of eyes they already have their Opthamology appointment scheduled for June 10th at 10 am.  I used to go to the close one in Dallas at the specialty center.  Not anymore and seriously let me gripe about them for just a second (ok maybe more).  First off they want you to book a minimum of four months in advance.   Do the math here people!  So basically I have to guess how many puppies there are and book an appointment while the bitch is in heat!  If I am short then those puppies unaccounted for are not by any stretch of your imagination going to get seen.  If I over shoot it you have to pay a cancelation fee.  Now they are located on the second floor.  Let's drag and entire litter of  potentially vomit covered border collie/or border staffy puppies one by one upstairs to be dilated and then back down to the van to get the next one and repeat until you are about to die!  Then you have to wait in the car for twenty minutes while the dilation medicine is working because they don't want puppies in the lobby anymore as they cause "a stir".  While in the car you have to fill out the lovely forms complete with little bubbles that you have to fill in for the AKC #'s etc.  You have exactly the right amount of forms as you do puppies and the cranky girl in the front office reminds you to not make a mistake cause replacement forms are $2 a piece.  NO PRESSURE.  OK your twenty minutes is up, call up to the office to ask if we car allowed to bring them up now.  Then load the puppies in their crate and lift (by yourself breaking your back) a very full crate of puppies onto a dolly and roll them into the building to the elevator and get hurried into the room.  OK fine that is accomplished. BUT as if that wasn't "uninviting" ENOUGH.....wait until you hear the newest rule.  So I am attempting make and appointment for Vixen's litter to be CERF'd last year and the girl asks me for how many puppies.  I say there are 10.  She said "oh I am sorry we don't do litters that large, we only can see five."  Excuse me huh? But her litter has TEN.  The very super intelligent person on the other end of the phone then says "can you just pick five to bring?" Hahahahahaha!! OK I start laughing then saying "Oh I get it this is a joke, wow I thought you were serious".  She is not entertained by me now and says "ma'am I am not joking we only do litters of five."  OK so the litter has TEN (do you think she is listening to me) what do you want me to do with the other five?  She said I  "can come back the next day and bring the other five." OK so seriously, you want me to do this whole giant over the top ordeal on Tuesday and then do it again on Wednesday?   She says "Yes ma'am that is what I am saying."  LONG PAUSE!  I very sweetly (ok maybe not so sweet at this point) ask her if she has ever bred a litter of puppies.  She replies "No ma'am I have not" OK so that was a RHETORICAL QUESTION.....cause if you had raised a litter of puppies you would know how utterly ridiculous your office's request is!   She then asks me "if I want to book the appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday".  So needless to say I did not book an appointment then or since then.  I went on the search for another Veterinary Opthamologist.    I found one about an hour away.  OK not the closest but I figured I would give them a call.  The girl that answered the phone was super nice and polite stating that "of course they will do the WHOLE litter of 10 on the same day"  I booked my appointment. The girl gets all my information and after we are done talking she informs me that she will be mailing me my forms so I can fill them out in my leisure and she will gladly include a few extra forms (free)  incase I make a mistake.  Once we get there, we go in to the office to announce our arrival.  They come out to the car with THEIR crate dolly, dilate all the puppies while oooo'ing and aaahhhhh'ing over the puppies.  Then they assist lifting the crate onto the dolly, the roll it in for you to your seat in the lobby where you are actually allowed to sit!  The wait is minimal and you are in the room.  When finished they assist you back out to your car you pay and poof you are on your way home and I paid LESS than the other place!  My only complaint is the vet initially has the personality of a semi dead gnat or he is a mute.  At first you are not sure.   It appears that he was entertained by Vixen's litter theme and at about the third or fourth puppy (he spoke) and had it figured out that it was cities of the Olympics.  He liked it.  So now with every litter he is a little less dead gnat like and tries to guess the theme!  
OK I have vented, the puppies are settled in snug as five little bugs in a rug, night is complete! 
I am tired and off to bed!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Turns out that Venetian and Mirage are upset at my implication that they are "the hermit" and "the hooch".  And the B&W's are upset I make them sound boring.  So there was a little turn around in the puppy pool today.  Mirage is very happy go lucky no a peep out of her!  Venetian has been out and about on the move and very un-hermit like.  The black boys......have been the trouble makers all day.  Let's just say lots of puppy bathing today, and all involving Luxor, Monte and Excalibur. They have been the little hoodlums today!  So my apologies go out to Venetian and Mirage.  I stand corrected!

Widget Update

Widget is due in about 10 days.  She is getting HUGE!!!  X-ray next week.  Can't wait!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ten days old!!

Woke up this morning to find puppies "walking" around the pool.  OK when I say "walking"....keep in mind that they A.) they can't see yet B.) they don't hear yet and C.) up until today have pretty much been scooting along like baby harp seals (minus all the white fur and eating of fish).  So they stand up which takes A LOT and then wobble wobble and plop- over they go.  Then they do a little tuck and roll maneuver, and........fall asleep.  All very cute! 
I must let you all know that Venetian is a bit of a hermit.  He likes to crawl under the bedding and lay underneath it all,  send us into a panic cause we only see 1, 2, 3, 4 puppies.  So we have to go on the search for Venetian.  There he is sound asleep wondering what all the fuss is about. 
Another bath today for Olé (remember.....don't ask) and just as soon as I got Olé bathed and blownout, the pool chores done and all the dogs outside in their spots, I was all ready to start projecting...when BOOM the thunderstorms hit, and it was a down pour.  I mean serious soaked everything within seconds/flash flooding type rain!  Perfect just friggin' perfect.  So now not only am I soaked, all the dogs are soaked they all want in NOW god forbid they be in the rain!!!
Mass chaos threatens to break out. Sanity must be restored.  Everyone is back in and toweled off.  Good thing I spent all that time blowing out Olé....not!!   

The Start of the Puppy Blog!!!

OK today I decided instead of emailing everyone with updates I would go ahead and BLOG!!! So why not....just be a lemming, leap off the cliff and blog like everyone else!  
As of today, the Olé X Sooner puppies are 9 days old.  They have had two bubble baths already (don't ask!) and one nail trim!  We are on day 6 of Early Neurological Stimulation.  10 more days to go.  The fussy one?  Mirage.  She warbles A LOT!  The screamer? Venetian.  The three B&W are taking it all in stride.  Mirage has realized not only is she the only blue merle but the only girl as well.  So she scoots off on her own and then throws a fit, warbling, cooing and general "helllloooo is anyone out there cry's"  So over to the pool I go, pick her up, take her back to the puppy pile where within minutes has promptly scooted back to where she was and begins the whole cooing/warbling all over again.  After about the 42nd time, I took the hint! She just wants to bitch about it all for awhile and just leave her alone and let her bitch!  GOT IT!  
I am sitting on the couch waiting for Jess to call and say Vision is in labor for REAL (Vision is Olé's half sister also bred to Sooner......shhhh don't tell Olé.......or Widget.....or Vixen....or......oh hell he is a man whore OK!)  OK back to the story,  I was sitting on the couch watching HGTV (addicted) waiting for Jess to call and I decided to try this blogging thing on my own to take my mind off the fact that she isn't calling.  Realize that now that I have started this whole blogging gig, I don't have the foggiest clue how to link this to my website.  So now that I have gotten this far, I am gonna have to do a "shout out to Steph" HELPPPP!  
The puppies are now doing their favorite past time of "climb the mommy".  They start on one side, shimmy up and slide down the other end making a little thud noise.  Turn.  Repeat.  Now the girl of course does it very vocally.  She gets up there, tries to be all fancy and balance, rolls off, gets pissed, and yup you guessed it, starts bitching!
Today mama Olé had a full bath, blow out and brushing (again just don't ask)  and she was incredibly unimpressed with my trimming and primping.  Right now she has lots of hair and is very fluffy.  Very princess like!  She got to have some out time to go for a nice walk and chew a bone undesturbed by the babies for about an hour while Godmother Scorch watched over the babies.  Scorch is the most loving mother to every puppy.  She wants them all to be hers.  She has helped raise lots of On Target and OffOn litters.  
Olé's other 1/2 sister Widget is due in a little under two weeks.  She currently wants to eat EVERYTHING not nailed down and is convinced she is starving!  She is trolling around looking under the bird cages to see if a morsel of food has perhaps fallen.  Lord that is a little pathetic Widgey.  Her xray is end of next week maybe beginning of the following week.  Then we will get to see how many babies are in there!!
OK I am tired, everyone is asleep in this house (except food whore Widget), cats are all curled up, birds are in their beds, I am signing off!  Good Night!!